Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Health Challenge dates?
The Health Challenge will run from December 28, 2023 to January 31, 2024. However, joining early has its perks. We'll be sending healthy tips, service and savings along the way to help you stick to your healthy goal.
Why should my organization share this with our plan members?
The Pacific Blue Cross Health Challenge is a positive way to educate your members about healthy habits such as eating nutritiously, quitting smoking and getting more exercise. It can help you to engage members in supporting each other’s health goals and promoting a healthier workforce.
Is there any cost for our organization to participate?
The contest is free for all Pacific Blue Cross plans and is open to all of your employees.
Do plan sponsors have to do any administration for the contest?
No. This contest is being run by Pacific Blue Cross to help British Columbians enjoy a healthy start to the year. It does not require any administration from plan sponsors and we provide you with promotional materials for your workplace below.
How does health cash work?
Pacific Blue Cross will reimburse health cash winners for products or services tied to improving their health, like gym memberships, new bikes or a smoothie maker. Winners send their receipts directly to us and we reimburse them with a cheque.
Does this affect a member’s benefits?
No, the health cash is completely separate from a member’s health plan coverage and limits.