Pacific Blue Cross supports Lumara Grief & Bereavement Society’s bereavement program

Monday, Jul 29, 2024

The $30,000 donation will ensure that children from low-income families who experience the loss of a loved one can get the support they need.

Kids at Strathcona Camp

The Pacific Blue Cross Health Foundation has pledged to donate $30,000 over two years to Lumara Grief & Bereavement Care Society, supporting programs for children and families who cannot afford or find conventional bereavement care. The program provides grieving children, teens and adults with a community of support and belonging, reducing potential mental health concerns as a result of their loss.

Impact of grief and trauma on families and youth

“From the opioid crisis to the long-lasting impacts of residential schools, or tragic deaths like suicide or homicide, grief and trauma impact thousands of British Columbian youth everyday. Yet they often struggle alone and in silence, at serious risk of depression, self harm, substance use disorder, loneliness, and more,” says Dr. Heather Mohan, Executive Director of Lumara.

“We are so grateful to Pacific Blue Cross Health Foundation for funding Lumara’s life-changing grief and bereavement care program for youth who are struggling after the tragic death of someone they love. By embracing each young person in a community of peer and professional mental health support when they most need it, we can mitigate the potentially devastating impacts of grief.”

Lumara’s evidence-based bereavement programs

Lumara uses evidence-based bereavement care to design their programs, building a compassionate and supportive community for each participant. Since not all services work for all people, different support options are available. From counselling, peer-to-peer support, support from an Indigenous Elder, online camps, retreats and art therapy; Lumara aims to support the bereaved wherever they’re at in their grief journey.

Lily’s story on Lumara’s impact

With funding from the Health Foundation, Lumara can continue offering their programs for a low cost to those who need them most. Some programs, like the family retreat at Camp Kerry and the youth retreat, are integral to supporting kids like Lily Friesen, who lost both her parents at a young age.

“It just feels like you're being hauled down to the ground. And you don't have the strength to get back up again… it can be quite isolating. It’s dangerous,” says Lily. “I owe everything to what Lumara has given me… I am able to talk about my grief, I'm able to think about my parents and smile, instead of not being able to think about them without crying.”

A shared commitment to mental health and wellbeing

Lumara focuses on building a community of support for each participant, reigniting hope and a feeling of belonging. By connecting participants with peers, they’re able to take a proactive approach to mental health, navigate their grief in a safe space, create new positive memories, and foster strong connections to a broad community of support.

“By supporting Lumara Grief & Bereavement Society, we’re fulfilling our mission to prioritize mental health and wellbeing”, says Jim Iker, PBC Health Foundation Board Chair. “Lumara’s commitment to providing bereavement and grief care, especially to children and low-income communities, aligns with our vision of a healthier British Columbia.”

Learn more about Lumara

Last year alone, 3,700 people across 174 communities accessed Lumara. Learn more about Lumara’s programs on their website.