How can we help you today?

The Advice Centre

Understanding plan limits / exclusions

Understand the limits and exclusions of your Pacific Blue Cross plan. Get detailed information and guidance to help you navigate your coverage and avoid unexpected surprises.

Why your claim reimbursement may look different in January

Noticing higher prescription costs or paying more for physiotherapy early in the year? Don’t worry – we’re here to help you understand why.

Understanding deductibles, co-insurance and plan maximums

To help you plan for potential out-of-pocket expenses with your benefit plan, we’re here to help you understand deductibles, co-insurance and plan maximums.

Know before you go—travel tips for you and your family

Travelling to the U.S. or other international destinations over the holidays? Here are some important—and practical—things to know when preparing for your trip.

Why Travel Insurance

You should be aware that your provincial coverage may not pay for all health care costs you may incur while outside of the province, and the difference can be substantial.

Understanding My Coverage

It’s easy to find information on your coverage and benefit limits using our mobile app or website.

Understanding Reasonable and Customary Limits

Reasonable and customary limits are the range of usual fees for comparable medical services in a geographic area

What do you mean its not covered

There’s nothing more frustrating than having out-of-pocket medical costs and finding out that those costs aren't covered by your health plan.

Understanding Pre-Existing Conditions

A pre-existing condition is a health condition that you’ve had before your insurance coverage begins.