How can we help you today?

The Advice Centre

Insurance made easy

Discover how easy it is to understand and manage your insurance with Pacific Blue Cross. Access helpful tips, guides, and resources to make informed decisions about your coverage.

WorkSafe BC Accident and Injury Reimbursement Agreement

Our plans contain an exclusion that prohibits us from paying workplace-related illnesses or injuries

Is your practitioner registered?

For your treatments to be covered, your practitioner has to be registered with the appropriate college or association…

Benefits Fraud

Benefits fraud and insurance abuse are not victimless – they are real crimes with real consequences.

How Health Insurance Works

As you go through life, there’s always a chance that you’ll have some kind of an accident or maybe a serious illness or injury

Government Health Insurance vs Private Health Plan

What is the difference between the EHC coverage provided by Pacific Blue Cross and the Medical Services Plan provided by the BC government?

What's the difference between my private drug plan and BC PharmaCare

The BC government's Fair PharmaCare plan helps protect British Columbians from high drug costs by subsidizing eligible drugs and other designated medical supplies prescribed by a physician

How do I apply for Special Authority from BC PharmaCare

While many drugs are eligible for funding from PharmaCare, there are some drugs that require Special Authority from PharmaCare.

How Health Spending Accounts work

A Health Spending Account is an account with a predetermined dollar amount used to pay for expenses not covered under the regular extended health and dental plans

What is a drug formulary?

Learn about the drug formulary process with Pacific Blue Cross. Read a real-life story to understand how medications are selected and covered, and get tips on navigating your prescription benefits.