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Leave prepared on trips over 30 days

Healthy Living, Healthy travels

Leave prepared on trips over 30 days

Prevent up to $7,660 in avoidable travel expenses with our ten pre-departure musts every traveller should know.

You’ve just arrived at the airport, double checked your bags and are sipping a coffee. Then it hits you: “Oh no, did I forget…?”

You mentally run through your packing list. Passport? Check. Laptop? Check. But what about house preparations? Banking arrangements? Suddenly, the excitement of your upcoming adventure mixes with a wave of anxiety. We’ve all been there — worrying about what might have been left undone, especially when it comes to longer stays away.

Whether you’re a snowbird heading to Palm Springs for the winter, a digital nomad embarking on a month-long work-and-play adventure in Lisbon, or a visitor spending the summer in Canada to see friends and family, our checklist of essential tips (most are free!) will help you travel without worry so you can focus on making memories. It could even help you prevent up to $7,660 in avoidable travel expenses.

Summary of contents:

  1. Passports and travel documents — Cost avoidance: up to $160
  2. Medication and medical items — Cost avoidance: up to $100
  3. Regular house visits — Cost avoidance: up to $3,000
  4. Home preparation — Cost avoidance: up to $2,500
  5. Social media precautions — Cost avoidance: up to $1,000
  6. Banking essentials — Cost avoidance: up to $150
  7. Home insurance check — Cost avoidance: up to $500
  8. Car insurance adjustments — Cost avoidance: up to $100
  9. Mail and newspaper services — Cost avoidance: up to $50
  10. Adjust TV, internet, and phone services — Cost avoidance: up to $100

1 Passports and travel documents: Ensure your passports and travel documents are up to date. Scan copies and email them to yourself and leave a copy with a trusted family member. If your passport is set to expire during or shortly after your travels, get a new one before you go. Find your nearest passport service location and book an appointment to ensure you are able to get assistance.

Potential savings: Avoid emergency passport renewal fees of up to $160.

2 Medication management: First, find out if your medications are legal in the country you plan to visit by consulting the health section relevant to your travel destination on the Government of Canada website. If so, pack them in their original container with the pharmacy label in an easy-to-access section of your carry-on baggage to avoid issues if your checked luggage is delayed or lost. Be sure to pack enough medication for the entire duration of your trip and speak with your doctor about any concerns before you go.

Potential savings: Prevent emergency prescription costs up to $100.

3 Regular house visits: Arrange for a friend, family member or neighbour to check on your property regularly. This can help meet home insurance requirements and ensure your home doesn’t look vacant. Be sure to give them your keys directly, as you put yourself at risk of burglary when you hide spare keys around the exterior of your home.

Potential savings: Prevent undetected issues like water leaks, electrical problems, or pest infestations from escalating into major repairs, while reducing the risk of burglary: save up to $3,000.

4 Home preparation: Shut off the main water supply and set interior lights on a timer. Set exterior lights on motion detectors to deter burglars. Unplug electronics, empty the fridge and freezer and check smoke detectors. Create a list of valuable items with pictures, and remove them from plain sight.

Potential savings: Prevent home damage and utility costs up to $2,500.

5 Social media precautions: Never post about upcoming travel plans. If you do, you may unknowingly be setting yourself up for robbery while you’re away. Only share your travel itinerary and plans with close friends and family, and don’t post any trip photos online until after you’ve returned.

Potential savings: Reduce the risk of burglary, saving up to $1,000 in stolen property and home repair costs.

6 Banking essentials: Make sure your credit card company and financial institution have your up-to-date contact details, as well as your intended travel destination and dates. This eliminates the risk of your account getting flagged or frozen for unusual activity while you’re away from home. Identifying and understanding any foreign transaction fees or withdrawal limits in the local currency is another great way to ensure you’re never short on cash during your trip. Confirm you’ve authorized payments for all necessary bills while you’re away to avoid any disruptions or late payment fees.

Potential savings: Avoid unexpected banking fees up to $150.

7 Home insurance check: Consult your broker about requirements for leaving your home unattended. Homes left unsupervised for over 30 days may be considered vacant, potentially voiding your policy. Leave insurance documents with a neighbour or family member.

Potential savings: Avoid the cost of denied claims due to policy voidance, potentially saving up to $500 in emergency repairs or damages.

8 Car insurance adjustments: If you're not taking your car, consider reducing coverage to save money. If you are driving, ensure your vehicle is properly rated for the trip and leave insurance papers at home with family.

Potential savings: Save on unnecessary coverage costs up to $100.

9 Mail and newspaper services: Stop mail and newspaper deliveries, or forward them to your short-term address. Have someone collect any delivered items regularly to avoid signaling to passers-by that you aren’t home.

Potential savings: Prevent service costs up to $50.

10 Adjust TV, internet, and phone services: Pause or modify these services to save money while you’re away. Ensure you have a suitable cell phone plan to avoid costly roaming charges.

Potential savings: Save on service fees up to $90


By following these essential savings tips, you can erase “oh no” from your airport vocabulary, save money and focus on making unforgettable memories.

Looking for more ways to reduce pre-departure worries and save? Consider purchasing travel insurance coverage immediately after you book your trip. Travel insurance provides peace of mind coverage for unexpected travel costs, like medical emergencies, trip interruptions, trip cancellations, baggage issues and more. Pacific Blue Cross offers flexible, comprehensive coverage options for British Columbians travelling out-of-province or country and visitors to Canada.

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